A whole new audience…
Our rescued lab-mix, Bella welcomes new followers.
originally posted on instagram…as I grappled with balancing home decor + social issues.
W E L C O M E... I’m glad you are here. Lots of new faces on account of the many many shares of my page, for which I am truly grateful. Be warned, we don’t just stick to design here. But surely you already know that. The funny thing is until February 14th this page was called Deenaknightdesigns. Until then I would try to stick mainly to home decor, with the occasional family moment sprinkled in. But I began to struggle with some things about that emphasis (Check out that 2.14.2020 post for more on that) so @candidlydeena was born giving me the freedom to broaden into a more editorial perspective. I still love to share design and my family, but I also share what’s on my heart and mind. So when it came time to discuss Black Lives Matter, it wasn’t a difficult pivot for me. I understand that not being the case for everyone. Once the movement made its way to home decor, I read several posts that started with: I try to steer clear of controversial topics because... But as Trevor Noah said recently: declaring that Black lives matter “should not be controversial.” Even more, social media gives everyday people a place to share EVERYTHING about themselves ... what you did, wore, ate, bought, and all your major life events. These little squares entitle us to 2,200 characters (yes I checked!) to use as we see fit (of course within limits). So why should we be silent on things that matter? I will never, for one second be afraid of offending a racist follower (I am Black so not sure why they would be here anyway). I am also not interested in following people who would rather placate to racist followers than speak out against injustice. I shared a post that said something like “we can agree to disagree about many things, but racism is not one of them.” I don’t want that hateful energy here. And guess what: once you become transformed by the anti-racist work you are hopefully doing, racist people will start feeling uncomfortable around you too, and they may unfollow. I say that’s a good thing. They will be replaced tenfold by good natured folks who you will be glad to welcome into your home and freely share your heart and mind. I know because it happened to me!